Cat Flap (in 2 parts) - A two-part documentary covering the making of the last ever classic Doctor Who story, Survival. With contributions from Sylvester McCoy (the Doctor), Sophie Aldred (Ace), Lisa Bowerman (Karra), Will Barton (Midge), Sakuntala Ramanee (Shreela), Adele Silva (Squeak), Andrew Cartmel (script editor), Alan Wareing (director), Mike Tucker (visual effects), Dominic Glynn (composer), and Ken Trew (costume design). Narrated by Paul Ewing. 1: Conception and the Casualty Connection This first 30-minute programme covers the set-up and pre-production process of this story. (16 April 2007 - BBC DVD) 2: Cats, Comedians and Quarry The second 30-minute programme looks at the location recording and post-production of Survival. (16 April 2007 - BBC DVD)
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